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发布时间:2019/2/19 15:14:50   发布来源:本站    作者:通翔顾问

  The aim of this standard is to define requirements to ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer.


   Scope andstructure


  This standard covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of all textiles made from at least 70% certified organic natural fibres. The final products may include, but are not limited to fibre products, yarns, fabrics, garments, fashion textile accessories (carried or worn), textile toys, home textiles, mattresses and bedding products as well as textile personal care products.


  The standard focuses on compulsory criteria only. Some of the criteria are compliance requirements for the entire facility where GOTS products are processed (2.4.10. Environmental management, 2.4.11. Waste water treatment, 3. Minimum social criteria and4.1. Auditing of processing, manufacturing and trading stages), whereas the others are criteria relevant for the specific products subject to certification (all other criteria of chapter 2 and chapter 4.2.of this standard).

  本标准仅关注强制性准则。其中,一部分准则规定了加工全球有机纺织品标准(GOTS)产品的整个单位需满足(第2.4.10 节环境管理、第2.4.11 节污水处理、第3 节最低社会准则及第4.1 节加工、制造和贸易活动的审核),而其它准则仅要求特定的认证产品需满足(本标准第2 节和第4.2 节要求)。

  As it is to date technically nearly impossible to produce any textiles in an industrial way without the use of chemical inputs, the ap-proach is to define criteria for low impact and low residual natural and synthetic chemical inputs (such as dyestuffs, auxiliaries and finishes) accepted for textiles produced and labelled according to this standard.




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  • GOTS标准--全球有机纺织品认证标准

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