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发布时间:2018/10/10 14:26:45   发布来源:本站    作者:通翔顾问

The Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production Principles are core standards for production facilities participating in the Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production Certification Program. The Program抯 objective is to independently monitor and certify compliance with these socially responsible global standards for manufacturing, and ensure that sewn products are produced under lawful, humane and ethical conditions. Participating companies voluntarily agree that their production and that of their contractors will be certified by the WRAP Certification Program as complying with these standards.

Laws and Workplace Regulations - Manufacturers of sewn products will comply with laws and regulations in all locations where they conduct business.
Prohibition of Forced Labor - Manufacturers of sewn products will not use involuntary or forced labor -- indentured, bonded or otherwise.
Prohibition of Child Labor - Manufacturers of sewn products will not hire any employee under the age of 14, or under the age interfering with compulsory schooling, or under the minimum age established by law, whichever is greater.
Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse - Manufacturers of sewn products will provide a work environment free of harassment, abuse or corporal punishment in any form.
Compensation and Benefits - Manufacturers of sewn products will pay at least the minimum total compensation required by local law, including all mandated wages, allowances and benefits.
Hours of Work - Manufacturers of sewn products will assure that hours worked each day, and days worked each week, shall not exceed the legal limitations of the countries in which apparel is produced. Manufacturers of sewn product will provide at least one day off in every seven-day period, except as required to meet urgent business needs.
Prohibition of Discrimination - Manufacturers of sewn products will employ, pay, promote, and terminate workers on the basis of their ability to do the job, rather than on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs.
Health and Safety - Manufacturers of sewn products will provide a safe and healthy work environment. Where residential housing is provided for workers, apparel manufacturers will provide safe and healthy housing.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining - Manufacturers of sewn products will recognize and respect the right of employees to exercise their lawful rights of free association and collective bargaining.
Environment - Manufacturers of sewn products will comply with environmental rules, regulations and standards applicable to their operations, and will observe environmentally conscious practices in all locations where they operate.
Customs Compliance - Manufacturers of sewn products will comply with applicable customs law and, in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of apparel products.
Drug Interdiction - Manufacturers of sewn products will cooperate with local, national and foreign customs and drug enforcement agencies to guard against illegal shipments of drugs



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